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Haroys Joinery Expand With New Retail Venture in Westbourne

10th January 2022

Acting on behalf of private clients, Sibbett Gregory’s Agency and Building departments combined to facilitate a new letting of 91 Poole Road, Westbourne to ‘Interiors by Haroys’ – a new venture by well-established local business, Haroys Joinery.

Following the property being handed back to the Landlord, various items of disrepair were noted. Accordingly, Sibbett Gregory’s Building Department were instructed to deal with procurement, management and overseeing of the required works in order to facilitate a new letting.

The property is prominently positioned fronting Poole Road in Westbourne and is arranged over 4 floors, extending to some 3,915 sq ft. Sibbett Gregory’s Agency department undertook a comprehensive marketing campaign and a new FRI lease of the whole property was subsequently agreed.


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